Most recent interviews:

Ukraine - a tragedy of conflicting narratives,” an interview with Dr. Adriaan Verbrugge (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) for De Nieuwe Wereld TV, July 4, 2024.

The West is on the Path of Self-Destruction,” an interview with Nima R. Alkhorshid (Federal University of Itajuba, Brazil) for Dialogue Works, June 20, 2024.

CrossTalk: Failed summit,” a talk show on RT hosted by Peter Lavelle, June 19, 2024,

Most popular interviews (50K+):

“Ba "Bad News For Ukraine At ‘Peace Summit.’ Support Is Eroding, an interview with Dr. Pascal Lottaz (Tokyo University, Japan) for Neutrality Studies, June 18, 2024Also available in Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Russian, Spanish.

The Proxy War in Collapsing!” an interview with Dr. Pascal Lottaz (Tokyo University, Japan) for Neutrality Studies, May 14, 2024. Also available in Arabic, ChineseFrenchGerman, JapaneseRussianSpanish, and SwedishThe second half of this interview, “China's Peace For Ukraine,” was posted on May 16, 2024.  Also available in Arabic, ChineseFrench, JapaneseGerman, RussianSpanish, and Swedish.

"Zelenskyy Back-Stabbed His Own People,” an interview with Dr. Pascal Lottaz (Tokyo University, Japan) for Neutrality Studies, March 18, 2024. Also available in Arabic, ChineseFrench, German, JapaneseRussian, Spanish, and TurkishThe second half of this interview, "Hawks in D.C. Still Reign Supreme," was posted on March 20, 2024. Also available in ArabicChineseFrench, German, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish. 

Towards negotiations between Russia & Ukraine/NATO? Nicolai Petro, Alexander Mercouris, Glenn Diesen,” The Duran, February 25, 2024.

Breaking Free: Ukraine Will Ditch Neocon Hawks, Strike Solo Peace with Russia!” an interview with Pascal Lottaz (Tokyo University, Japan) for Neutrality Studies, February 5, 2024. Also available in Arabic, French, German, JapaneseRussian, Spanish, and Turkish.

Rise of Russia as a Superpower,” an interview with Nima R. Alkhorshid (Federal University of Itajuba, Brazil) for Dialogue Works, January 25, 2024.

Neocons Still Can't Believe Russia Defeated Them,” an interview with Pascal Lottaz (Tokyo University, Japan) for Neutrality Studies, November 27, 2023. The second half of this interview, “How The War In Ukraine Will End,” was posted on November 28, 2023. Both are also available in Arabic, French, German, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish.

The Ukraine Facts The West Doesn't Want To Hear,” with Nicolai Petro, Ruslan Kotsaba, and A. Duleba, Neutrality Studies, December 13, 2023. Originally, “A Ukrainian Pacifist Speaks Up,” by Jonathan McCormick, The Silver Trumpet, August 22, 2023.

How Ukraine's far-right, with NATO backing, block peace,” an interview with Aaron Mate, host of Pushback, December 19, 2022.

The Ukraine tragedy, from US-backed coup to Russian assault,” an interview with Aaron Maté, host of Pushback, March 10, 2022.